Being in urgent need of money is a terrible situation to be in. Regardless of how this came to be, we want to solve it now so we can keep looking towards our future. In times of distress like this, it’s normal to look for help and to pray for assistance. For moments like this, we can always count on St. Jude Thaddeus, the patron saint of lost causes and desperate situations.
His powerful intercession can help us out in a pinch. St. Jude Thaddeus is special in many ways – after all, he is one of the twelve apostles. As one of the first Christians, having heard the words directly from Jesus, he can offer a powerful intercession in your behalf.
Keep in mind that St. Jude Thaddeus is the patron saint of lost causes and desperate situations. Although he is sure to intercede for you, keep in mind that there are other saints that can help your financial situation if you’re not going through an emergency. Here are a few powerful prayers to some of them:
- Prayer to St. Pantaleon for Winning the Lottery.
- Prayer to St. Cajetan for Employment.
- Prayer to St. Matthew for Financial Help.
The Archangels are powerful beings that can intercede on our behalf in financial matters. Praying to them is advised:
- Prayer to Archangel Uriel for Money.
- Prayer to Archangel Raziel for Money.
- Prayers to Archangel Michael (powerful).
Lastly, it is important to remember that there is nothing wrong with praying for financial help. We go into more detail into this issue on the article linked, but it is important to keep in mind what we want to do with our newfound wealth. Remember to always do good with the money you are given.
With that in mind, here is the prayer that can help you out of a tight situation.
Prayer to St. Jude Thaddeus for Financial Help
Dear St. Jude Thaddeus,
Please hear my urgent plea for financial help.
I am in desperate need of assistance and I turn to you in my time of need.
I am struggling to make ends meet and I am feeling hopeless and helpless.
I am doing everything I can to try to improve my financial situation but I need your help.
Please intercede on my behalf and help me to find a solution to my financial problems.
I am willing to work hard to improve my situation but I need your guidance and your help.
I am asking you to please help me to find a source of income that will enable me to take care of my financial obligations.
I am also asking for your immediate help in receiving some money in the very near future. I need it for (state a reason here).
St. Jude, you know I speak from my heart when I tell you this is a noble reason, and your intercession will make a huge difference in my life.
I will not squander this money, nor will I use it for evil or sinful pursuits.
I will keep working hard after I have dealt with this, but for now I need urgent assistance.
I am grateful for your help in this urgent matter and I promise to remember you in my prayers.
If you’re looking for help in an emergency which is not financial, you might also want to look at our powerful prayer to St. Jude for a miracle.
I love you Brother Jude thanks for everything.
Almighty Father God I come before today to ask for financial blessing to improve my life my faith. Keeps me strong for the people I Love. I’m not asking for wealth or trouble you for unneeded comfort or luxury to relieve my financial problems. I only asked and begging for your Mercy to Help me to recover the money they took from and the money I lost. Give me the means to do your work and spread your Love. I have so much to give if only I were allowed to chance. In Jesus name I pray Amen 🙏