This is a popular prayer, which is used by many people to pray to the sword of St Michael. These are prayers for protection against evil, and to strengthen our faith.
This is a popular traditional prayer, which is also often used by those who serve in the military.
This prayer has been historically used for those seriously wounded or killed in battle. So it is also often said that this prayer has the power to stop bullets from killing you and also stops bullets from hurting you.
Prayer to the Sword of St. Michael for Protection
O Blessed Sword of Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in the day of battle.
Be our safe guard against the wickedness and snares of the devil;
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world seeking for the ruin of souls.
The 7 Day Prayer Miracle
The prayer to the sword of St. Michael is a powerful protection against evil, but it’s not the only way to protect yourself. If you’re feeling strongly the need for protection, you might want to try a 7 day miracle prayer. As the name implies, this prayer is said every day for a week. Praying this way is a weeklong protection.
You can try the 7 day prayer miracle by following the link below.
When you are praying to the sword of St. Michael, you are declaring your faith and your love for Jesus Christ.
This is done by saying the name of Jesus, and also saying “Oh Lord, protect me from evil and from this enemy,” according to the Bible.
After saying these things, you place your right hand over your heart and then put your left hand on your sword. This is done to show your respect and dedication to Jesus.

Swords are also used in other traditions, such as a gesture to bring protection and healing to others. When someone is attacked by another person or a group of people, it is common to use this gesture in order to try to defend yourself. It is also used to pray for peace among all people, according to Bible. The phrase “pray for the mercy of the Lord” was made popular by St. Patrick, who was the first to use this phrase in Christianity.
St. Michael has had different representations throughout the centuries. If you’re interested in reading more about him, we have an article on what Archangel Michael looks like.
Today, many Christians use the sword prayer for protection, especially from things such as drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
Christians do not just use it for personal protection; instead, they pray to have the strength and faith to protect others. People also carry swords as a symbol of their religion and their nationality. Many soldiers pray to the sword of St. Michael for protection from bullets or enemy soldiers. They also hope that they will be able to serve their fellow man someday.
There is also a popular song that can be played when a person is praying to the sword of St. Michael. The melody of this prayer is “Prayer to the Sword of St. Michael”.
I love this prayer for the protection of me and my family
I love st. Michael and his fellow Arch Angels because they are fighting all my battles
I love praying to saint Michael archangel to me and my family thank you
Saint Michael archangel protect my family and I please
Want to change my ways for better and get closer to Jesus and his father I have court I think July 6th please pray for me
St Michael the archangel protect my family
I love the prayer for St. Michael for my own health battle. I have too many issues about my health . His inspirational prayer is a good source of energy to become strongly healthy again.
I love and believe in the power of St.Michael’s prayer
I’m just happy that you have a strong believe on the power of the prayers of powerful Archangel Michael.
Archangel Michael Heavenly Seraphim Prince Thank You and please protect in my employment and at home and to from all my destinations around my home and at work there is a lot of harassment and secret people disrespecting and stealing from one another please put them to shame and confusion and please return my wealth and blessings and graces and all other treasures and make the enemy thief meek as sheep and like dust before the wind In Jesus Christ Son of GOD Mighty Name Amen Alleluia Amen!
St. Michael, pray for me so that I prosper in my ministry, defend me in my ministry, guide me in my ministry, and through your prayers help me to get good friends who will help me to fulfill my pastoral services and make God be visible through my works of mercy. Amen
St. Michael don’t let me down.