Praying to St. Cajetan, Patron Saint of Job Seekers and the Unemployed

It has happened to all of us: after years of diligent work, we find ourselves unemployed. It is only temporary, and we believe we will find a new job soon. In times like this, it is only natural for us to turn to prayer to ask for help. Or maybe we want to pray for a family member who is out of a job. Either way, the best way to do so is by praying to the patron saint of job seekers.

The Catholic Church has many saints: religious icons revered for their acts of charity and piety. We pray to ask the saints to intercede in our behalf. There are different patron saints to different topics. Here we cover the patron saint of those seeking for new jobs: Saint Cajetan. Have you ever heard of him before? Are you familiar with the St. Cajetan prayer? If not, read more below.

Who is St. Cajetan?

St. Cajetan, a cofounder of the Clerks Regular, a religious order popularly known as the Theatines, was born Gaetano da Thiene on the 3rd of July in 1480 in Thiene, Italy. St. Cajetan was a man of many talents: being a writer of hymns, a doctor, a theologian, and an essential figure of the Catholic Counter-Reformation.

He was educated at the University of Padua, where he studied medicine, philosophy, law, and theology. He was a brilliant student, and at age 16, Cajetan entered the Society of Jesus. He was one of the first Jesuits to be sent to England, where he had an influential role in the reformation of the Church there.

St. Cajetan was a bishop and priest of the Theatines, a religious order of priests dedicated to religious education and the re-establishment of Christian worship. He belonged to a noble family in Bavaria but became a lawyer and diplomat. In 1516, he was sent to the court of Emperor Maximilian I in Vienna, where he became the emperor’s confessor. He served as bishop of Sitten in 1532-1537.

The Catholic Church has a long and important history of saints. St Cajetan was one of the most important figures of the Catholic Counter-Reformation.

The Oratory’s motto is “by prayer, faith, and penance, we save the world.”

Prayer to St. Cajetan to Find a Job

As the patron saint of job seekers, St. Cajetan should be the first one in our minds if we are looking for a new occupation. His intercession is sure to be powerful in this regard. Below is a prayer you can say to him at any time of the day:

O Holy Saint Cajetan, patron saint of job seekers,

I come to you today in need of your help and guidance. I am in search of a new job and I am feeling lost and uncertain. I need your help in finding the right path for me.

I pray that you would intercede to open up doors for me and lead me to the job that is best for me. I pray that you would give me the strength and courage to face the challenges that come with job hunting. I also pray for your wisdom and guidance in making the right decisions along the way.

I trust in God’s goodness and mercy and I know that He will provide for me in ways that I cannot even imagine. I know that God is always with me and I am so grateful for His love and care.

Thank you, Saint Cajetan, for hearing my prayer.


Prayer for Good Luck to St. Cajetan

To some, St. Cajetan is the patron saint of lost causes, the man who once tried his best to get inside the Vatican’s walls but was foiled by a good-natured guard. Others believe that he was the founder of the Catholic Church’s Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament and lived a long and holy life. In any case, St. Cajetan is known for his perseverance and for refusing to give up on others, despite the many obstacles he faced. With this, if you are praying for good luck, here is the prayer that you can pray to St. Cajetan:

“Saint Cajetan, saint of good fortune and employment,
encourage all those looking for work to grow in understanding of God’s unfailing care for them.
Increase in them the gifts of ingenuity, courage, and persistence.
Help us remember that during this time of seeking, God’s love is by far our most valuable possession.


St Cajetan’s story is not only about one man and his charitable work but also about the Church and its work for the common good. It is also a story about people who have weathered the storms of history and how they continue to help others.

6 thoughts on “Praying to St. Cajetan, Patron Saint of Job Seekers and the Unemployed”

  1. please pray for my husband and i 80 years old to get this house to remodel for someone who needs a home. we need a job and the house has sit empty 16 years the daughter who got the house has not answered us a offer, we need the work. pray ellyn calls and answers our offer fred and sandy smith

    • Please pray for me to find a positive job with benefits, better salary, help stop doing drugs because he is destroying our marriage, help peace come into the lord.

  2. Please l pray to get a good Managerial Job in Humna Resources Asap and also to get me all the assistance to be able to purchàse the 3 Bedroom flat in Ikoyi Abacha Estate

    • I have not been paid since March 2023 . My organization is going through serious cash flow problems. I need another job in human resource, admin, accounting. Lord direct my path and find the best for me. Thank you Jesus

  3. Been out of work for 2 months, was turned down for another position today,, one I spent 3 weeks interviewing for. This one hurt. Nevertheless, thank you, St. Cajetan for your intercession so far. I won’t give up. 👍🏻😘

    I’ll also offer a prayer for all other job seekers out there. Hang in there, something will open up. We (with heaven’s help) can do it 👍🏻

  4. My son Glen finished his Masters in Digital Media & Marketing in December & graduated in May this year. Still looking for a job & has been applying but nothing yet. Please put him in your prayers that he may find his 1st job. Putting our Faith in the Lord Jesus that He will come through for Glen all in good time 🙏🏽


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