Prayer for the End of the Day

As you wake up in the morning, God gives you a blessing. So, it will never hurt to spend the end of the day praying and thanking Him for another beautiful day.

Is it difficult for you to be at peace after a stressful day? Do you find it hard to sleep at night?
Busy schedules can leave you tense and exhausted. One of the best things you can do is eliminate all the negative feelings and rest peacefully is by talking to God at the end of the day. This will also shed all your troubles.

Making Our Faith Simple-Yet-Not-Simplistic: Prayer - Catechist's Journey

Starting your day saying a little prayer can already make a difference. However, sometimes you forgot to end your day with a prayer as well. A prayer for the end of the day will help you forget about the stress, worries, turmoils, and fears of the day while focusing on spiritual things. If you’re looking for more prayers to help you cope with stress before bed, also consider reading our Psalms for Sleep for peaceful rest.

Below are the prayers you can use to end your day positively:

Lord Jesus, I give you all my troubles, fears, and cares.
Please provide me with clarity and
cleanse my thoughts of worry and anger.
As long as You are by my side, my day is filled with blessings.

Bring comfort and peace to my heart.


Heavenly Father, I need your presence.
Guide and comfort me as a I sleep.
Please fill me with Your spirit and remove all fears and troubling fears in my heart.
Please help me and my loved ones have clarity before falling asleep. This I ask in Jesus’ name.

Lord God, You saw that I lived to see another day despite a myriad of things that happened to me today. From the sunrise to sunset, I wholeheartedly praise Your name. Thank You for protecting me from the dangers of the evil one.

Oh Lord, forgive me of any sins I have committed today. Thank You for giving me another chance to witness and feel Your unconditional love. Please keep my mind and heart from wandering into impure dreams.
Ease my fears and worries, and help me sleep in peace.
In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Father, great is Your faithfulness, for You have guided and protected me through another day. Bring me safely to my bed. You have given me loving and wonderful companions who have accompanied me on today’s tasks. Give us, Oh Lord, the endurance, love, and strength to display your Grace to the world constantly.
In Your mercy, hear my little prayer. Amen.

Oh Lord, I give You unending thanks for another wonderful and fruitful day. I may experience worries and anxiety, but You made me strong to conquer the day. As a rest of my mind and heart, I ask for Your continued protection.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord Jesus, I thank you for walking with me today. Thank you also for helping me do Your will and for your provision and love. Bless my home, my loved ones, and my family.
In Your mercy, I pray. Amen.

Before you close your eyes and rest your heart and mind after a tiring day, say a prayer and wake up early with a happy heart. 

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