St. Benedict Prayer for Protection Against Witchcraft (2023 Update)

St. Benedict is a powerful saint against evil and witchcraft. Prayers to him can help not only you but also your loved ones who might be going through a dark period.

St. Benedict was proclaimed by Pope Paul VI as the patron saint of Europe. He portrayed the spirit of moderation. Benedict’s monks are allowed clothes that suit to climate, enough food and sufficient sleep.

St. Benedict is known as the “Father of Western monasticism,” since he established a Rule that became norm for Christian nuns and monks. It is believed that St Benedict can offer you protection against evil, curses and diseases.

Saint Benedict of Nursia

Who was St. Benedict?

Saint Benedict was born in the Italian city of Nursia in the year 480. His parents were of noble birth and he was raised in a Christian home. As a young man, Benedict was sent to Rome to study. He soon became disillusioned with the lifestyle there and withdrew to the Italian countryside.

Benedict lived as a hermit for some years, but his reputation as a holy man soon attracted a number of followers. He established a monastery at Monte Cassino, which became the center of the Benedictine Order.

Benedict’s Rule, which is still followed by the Benedictines, sets forth a number of guidelines for monastic life. Among these are: vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience; the daily recitation of the office; and the observance of silence.

Benedict died in 543, but his order continued to grow and spread throughout Europe. Today, there are Benedictine monasteries in many countries around the world.

What can I pray to St. Benedict for? What is he the patron saint of?

Saint Benedict is the patron saint of many things, including protection against evil, witchcraft, poison, and infectious diseases. The feast for St Benedict is on July 11. 

Are your loved ones going through a dark period? Maybe they’ve even stopped praying for themselves? While different can take many forms, there is a powerful saint that not many people know about which can help. A prayer to St. Dymphna, the patron saint of mental illness, can help your loved ones.

There are many prayers to St Benedict. Here are some of our favorites:

Prayer for Seekers of Faith

Gracious and Holy Father, give us the wisdom to discover You, the intelligence to understand You, the diligence to seek after You, the patience to wait for You, eyes to behold You, a heart to meditate upon You, and a life to proclaim You, through the power of the Spirit of Jesus, our Lord. Amen.

Prayer in Honor of Saint Benedict

Dear God, we praise and thank You for Who You are: The Creator and Master of the Universe, and our Father who loves us and has sent Your Son Jesus to save us from our sins.

Dear Father, You provided your holy monk, Benedict, as a leader and master in the spiritual life for a countless number of followers. Filled as he was the spirit of all the just, You flooded him with the splendor of Your light. In the intense radiance of this light his mind was freed of hindrance and he was able to discern how incomplete all things are here below. Because of this the entire monastic company in every part of the world sings out its joy, and the Virtues on high, with all the angels, continuously praise Your glory in song.

Stir up in your Church, O Lord, the spirit that animated our Father Benedict. Fill us again with your Holy Spirit, in order that we may learn to love what he loved and practice what he taught. As You filled Saint Benedict with the spirit of all the righteous, grant us, your servants, who celebrate his life and all the good. You have accomplished through him, his followers, and his holy Rule, to be filled with his spirit, that we may faithfully accomplish Your complete Will. We ask all this through Jesus Christ Our Lord, Who with You lives and reigns, one God, world without end. Amen.

Prayer for Protection Against Witchcraft

Dear Saint Benedict, I thank God for showering you with His grace to love Him above all else and to establish a monastic rule that has helped so many of His children live full and holy lives. Throughout the cross of Jesus Christ, I ask you to please intercede that God might protect me, my loved ones, my home, property, possessions, and workplace today and always by your holy blessing, that we may never be separated from Jesus, Mary, and the company of all the blessed. Through your intercession may we be delivered from temptation, spiritual oppression, physical ills, and disease. Protect us from drug and alcohol abuse, impurity and immorality, objectionable companions, and negative attitudes. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

3 thoughts on “St. Benedict Prayer for Protection Against Witchcraft (2023 Update)”

  1. Dear St Benedict,
    Please protect me and my family and future generation from any evil curses, hexes and any demonic attacks. Shield us with your white light now and forever. Thank you very much

  2. Loving st Benedict through your intercessions you have protected me from evil attacks, witchcraft,sickness and thugs. May you visit all homes that are surrounded with witches and break the power of witchcraft. As you say Satan drink your poison. For those bringing there witches to destroy peoples children St Benedict help me to carry all the witches and put them at the cross of Jesus Christ. Amen.


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