St. Gerard is the patron saint of pregnancy and expectant mothers, and can also help improve fertility. Are you looking to conceive, or are you already expecting and want the best for your child? Here are some powerful prayers to St. Gerard.
When you are feeling down and out, pray to St Gerard for comfort and support. He is known as the patron saint of mothers and unborn children, so he is especially helpful when you are going through a difficult time. Trust in his guidance and strength, and you will find the peace you need.
You can find more prayers to our saints here.
Prayer for expectant mothers
O good, holy St Gerard,
patron of expectant mothers,
I humbly beseech thee to intercede for me with thy Divine Son that he will bestow his choicest graces upon me and my child which is soon to be born. Grant that I may be a good and obedient mother, and that my child may be healthy, intelligent, and blessed with a long and happy life. Help me to raise my child in the ways of the Lord, and to guide him/her through the challenges of this world. Above all, O merciful St Gerard, protect us both from harm and from the evil one. Amen
Prayer for a Happy Marriage
Saint Gerard, you were known for your happy and successful marriage. Please help me to find the same happiness in my marriage. Please pray for my spouse and I, that we may always be faithful to each other and to God. Please help us to always grow in love and understanding for each other. Most importantly, please pray that our marriage will be a testimony of Christ’s love for the world. Because you are a powerful saint, I know that your prayers will be answered.

Prayer for fertility.
O good, holy St Gerard,
patron of parents desperate for children,
I humbly beseech thee to intercede for me with thy Divine Son that he will bestow his choicest graces upon me and my husband/wife. Grant that we may be fruitful and multiply, and that our home may be filled with the laughter of children. Help us to raise our family in the ways of the Lord, and to guide them through the challenges of this world. Above all, O merciful St Gerard, protect us all from harm and from the evil one. Amen.
Prayer for Special Blessings
O good, powerful St. Gerard,
I earnestly beseech you to obtain for me from your heavenly Patron, the special blessings I need at this time. Please ask St. Raphael to restore my health if it is His will, and to guide and protect me in all my endeavors. Please also ask St. Joseph to help me with my financial affairs, and St. Anne to watch over me and my loved ones. In addition, I ask you to pray for the special intentions of my heart. I am confident that through your powerful intercession, all of my petitions will be granted.
Prayer during Temporal Need
Dear St. Gerard,
I come to you in need of your help. You are a powerful saint and I know that you will intercede for me before the throne of God. Please ask Him to provide for my needs during this time of need. O caring God, please grant me the strength to overcome this trial and the grace to persevere in faith. I thank you for your help and I am confident that through your powerful intercession, all of my petitions will be granted.
Prayer for a Healthy Baby
Saint Gerard, you are the patron saint of pregnant women and babies. Please help us to have a healthy baby. Guide us through these nine months, and keep our child safe and healthy. Honor us with a healthy delivery and a happy, healthy baby. Please do not let us suffer through any health problems during this time. We pray for your help and guidance. Amen.
Prayer for Safe Delivery
Saint Gerard, we come to you with faith and hope as we approach the end of our pregnancy. We pray for a safe delivery for both baby and mother. Help us to be brave and patient as we face the challenges of labor. And please keep us safe in the days and weeks after the birth. We are grateful for your guidance and protection. You have always been a source of strength and hope for pregnant women and new mothers and we know that you will be with us as we bring our child into the world. Amen.
If you’re craving more soul-nourishing prayers, explore also our Prayers for a New Month and Prayers for Healthy Pregnancy.