How do I read the Catholic Bible in Chronological Order?
This is a very serious question and one that has caused much debate among Christians for centuries.
What is the true chronological order of the Bible? You might be surprised to know that there is no absolute consensus about this! We have done our own research and are happy to share the results with you, as well as a reading plan.
When you are learning how to read the Catholic Bible in chronological order, it will be easier for you to understand what is taking place. This helps keep things orderly and keeps you from making the same mistakes that so many have made in the past. You can easily see how the Church, for example, began with the Resurrection of the Lord. We know that this is true because the Bible tells us about His coming in the flesh. The Church believes that He was raised from the dead, and the Book of Acts does not change this.
One Year Chronological Bible Reading Program
We have composed a reading plan for you following our research into the chronological order of the Bible. However, if you are truly interested in reading the Bible this way, we can also recommend you to scholars who have spent decades working on this!
By clicking on the image below you will be taken to one of our partners, who has compiled a one-year reading program for the Bible in chronological order, including commentary on the passages.
Some people find it challenging to read so much of the Bible. However, they all agree it brings them great peace and understanding. We hope you are ready for a challenge which will bring you closer to God.

New Testament Books of the Bible in Chrological Order – Reading Plan
Below is a table of the books of the New Testament in order of when they were composed.
Book | Author | Date Of Composition | Place Of Composition |
1 Thessalonians | Paul | 51 | Corinth |
2 Thessalonians | Paul | 51 | Corinth |
1 Corinthians | Paul | 54 | Ephesus |
2 Corinthians | Paul | 57 | Macedonia (Philippi?) |
Galatians | Paul | 57 | Macedonia (Philippi?) |
Romans | Paul | 57 | Corinth |
Hebrews | Paul | 60 | Caesarea |
Colossians | Paul | 61 | Rome |
Ephesians | Paul | 61 | Rome |
Philippians | Paul | 62 | Rome |
1 Peter | Peter | 63 | Rome |
2 Peter | Peter | 64 | Rome |
James | James | Early 60s | Jerusalem |
Matthew | Matthew | 60s | Antioch |
Mark | Mark | 60s | Rome |
Philemon | Paul | 66-67 | Rome |
1 Timothy | Paul | 66-67 | Rome |
Titus | Paul | 66-67 | Rome |
2 Timothy | Paul | 66-67 | Rome |
Luke | Luke | 70s | Rome? |
Acts | Luke | 70s | Rome? |
Jude | Jude | 80s | ? |
1 John | John | 80s | Ephesus |
2 John | John | 80s | Ephesus |
3 John | John | 80s | Ephesus |
Revelations | John | 96-98 | Patmos, Ephesus |
John | John | 98-110 | Ephesus |
Reading the Bible in this way can offer a deeper understand of the word of God.
Is it wrong to read the Bible in Chronological Order?
This question has been bothering some people. They worry that they might be reading the Bible from the wrong perspective, which would make the idea of the Bible being infallible simply foolish. This argument is not entirely valid, and if one were to use this line of reasoning they would certainly be committing a sin against the Church. It is not as though there is some un-revealed mystery that the Church cannot simply disclose itself, but rather any such attempt shows an extreme lack of understanding on their part.
If you are going to try and learn how to read the Catholic Bible from its proper chronological order, then you may very well find that your understanding of the Bible will deepen.
How to read the Catholic Bible from its correct chronological order is to treat it as though it were a legitimate book, written by a single pontificate, rather than a collection of documents arranged by the Popes.
This means that you will have to take every papal pronouncement on its face at face value, treating each papal act as though it happened yesterday. It is this that will allow you to read the Catholic Church in its true light.
- Some people want to read the whole Bible from beginning to end (from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation).
- Such plans require reading thirty or more minutes each day, or one or more chapters each day, throughout the year.
- When reading the book in chronological order, you will see the Bible in a new light.
- It is a good practice for people who are already familiar with much of the Bible, and wish to see how it all fits together.
Once you have learned how to read the Catholic Bible in its true chronological order, you may also want to know how to read other religious documents from this tradition. The basic method for doing this is simple enough: look for the words “in time,” “in pace,” and “in the right time.” (Be sure to include the word “in” whenever you see these expressions.) Any papal pronouncement, whether it is a theological treatise or exhortation, must always come with a reason given to why it was written, a reason that cannot be dismissed as mere idle superstition.
If you study how to read the Catholic faith using the methods discussed here, you will soon find that your understanding of Catholic teaching will broaden and deepen.
You will begin to see the meaning of the various events and sayings within the pages of the Bible a whole new way. This can only be good news for the Catholic Church!
Are you ready to give it a try? If you want to get a ready chronological Bible plan, including full commentary, check out this study plan by following the link below!