Alpha For Catholics Alpha for Catholics is a practical tool that parishes use to inspire Catholic renewal, answer the call to the New Evangelization and the call of Christ and His Church to “go and make disciples of all nations.” Alpha for Catholics is a practical introduction to creedal Christianity over a 10 week course. Unique in its adult learning approach, Alpha meets participants where they are, starting with their questions. Designed for those on the fringes of their faith and those outside the Church, Alpha creates a non-threatening environment of hospitality allowing people to explore the claims of Christ against the backdrop of our culture. Alpha provides an opportunity to encounter the love of God in a personal relationship through Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. Alpha focuses on the kerygma and the basic tenants of Christianity. Catholic Apostolate Center The Catholic Apostolate Center, a ministry of the Society of the Catholic Apostolate (Pallottines) – Immaculate Conception Province, was founded in 2011 to respond to the needs of the Church through: 1) developing, in collaboration with dioceses and other institutions and organizations, formation programs for the New Evangelization; 2) assisting pastoral ministers in deepening collaboration with one another; and 3) providing formation and apostolic opportunities for members and collaborators of the Union of Catholic Apostolate. The Center takes its inspiration from the spirituality of St. Vincent Pallotti and achieves its goals through hosting conferences, seminars, webinars, and presentations as well as providing online and print resources. Catholic Life and Faith Catholic Life and Faith is your center for stewardship, evangelization and servant leadership development. Services include workshops, retreats, and parish missions, focusing on discipleship, stewardship, or both and introducing StrengthsFinder to parishioners or parish leaders, to assist parishes to build strengths based ministry teams. Also available is ME25 and Q12 consulting for parishes that are ready to build engagement, using the tools developed by the Gallup Organization. ( Catholic Campus Ministry Association For CCMA evangelization is the essence of campus ministry: “bringing the message of Christ to the academic world.” The CCMA website has a variety of resources for evangelizing college-aged young adults. ( Catholics Come Home Catholics Come Home, Inc. is an independent, non-profit Catholic apostolate that creates effective and compassionate media messages and broadcasts them nationally and internationally, in order to inspire, educate and evangelize inactive Catholics and others, and invite them to live a deeper faith in Jesus Christ, in accord with the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church. ChristLife – Catholic Ministry for Evangelization ChristLife seeks to equip Catholics for the essential work of evangelization so that others might come to know personally the love of God through Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit, becoming his followers and members of the Church. ChristLife trains parishes and Catholic ministries locally and nationally how to evangelize. They have developed an evangelization process with three components: Discovering Christ, Following Christ, and Sharing Christ, and a 7-session program for each component. Christ Renews His Parish Christ Renews His Parish is structured to become part of normal parish life without becoming another organization. CRHP supports other parish organizations and ministries by sending renewed, previously uninvolved parishioners into these other groups. CRHP has four parts: 1) The process begins with an overnight weekend retreat that helps people take the next step in their spiritual journey with a focus on their relationship with God (separate programs for men and women). 2) People are then invited to serve on the next team – to participate in team formation, preparation, and catechesis. The focus is on small group praying, working, learning, fellowshipping together. 3) The new team leads a CRHP weekend – a genuine experience of lay ministry in the parish. The focus is on meeting, serving, ministering to small group of others in the parish. 4) The final, continuing, part of the process is engaging people in searching for the Lord’s call to what is next in parish life, and sending people into other ministries in the parish, community and diocese. The focus here is on the life of the church. Cultivation Ministries Cultivation Ministries exists “To Cultivate Team-based, Comprehensive, and Disciple-making Catholic Youth Ministries by Training, Resourcing, and Supporting Adult and Student Leaders.” Cultivation Ministries specializes in training both volunteer and professional youth ministers, helping parishes with the nuts and bolts of developing an effective youth ministry, and producing resources in order to support both adult and teen leaders. Dynamic Catholic Dynamic Catholic, led by Matthew Kelly, seeks to re-energize the Catholic Church in America by developing world-class resources that inspire people to rediscover the genius of Catholicism. The main focus today is on developing learning systems for each of the nine Catholic moments. Each Catholic Moment represents a huge opportunity to demonstrate the genius of Catholicism and lead people into a more dynamic relationship with God. But in order to accomplish this we believe that we need world-class learning systems that present the faith in ways that are engaging and inspiring. The Evangelical Catholic: Forming Disciples, Training Leaders The Evangelical Catholic equips Catholic ministries for evangelization by inspiring, training, and supporting local leaders to drive dynamic outreach ministries. Through training events, services, and ongoing contractual relationships, the EC equips Catholic ministries for long-term evangelical efforts that can be locally sustained without ongoing site visits and regular consulting. Local Catholic communities with well-formed laity, a united pastoral staff, and smooth execution of outreach strategies solidify their fiscal health, form leaders for vocations in the Church, and deeply impact their broader community. ( Focus: Fellowship of Catholic University Students Answering the Church’s call for a new evangelization, FOCUS, the Fellowship of Catholic University Students, is a national outreach that meets college students where they are and invites them into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and the Catholic faith. More and more people hear and learn about FOCUS every day. In the course of 15 years, the ripple effect of our campus missionaries’ work has spanned across the country to touch lives on the college campus. We are grateful for the good fruit we have begun to reap in seeing thousands of college students being reached for Christ but we also know there is so much more to do. ( Good News Ministries Good News Ministries is a Catholic evangelization and faith-building ministry that was founded in 1995 by Terry and Ralph Modica in collaboration with a core team of volunteers and the approval of the Diocese of St. Petersburg, Florida. GMN is responding to Christ’s command to “Go out into all the world and spread the Good News” by using the technologies of global communication to serve the kingdom of God. Their primary mission is to teach others how to use these new technologies. ( Instituto Fe y Vida Instituto Fe y Vida (Fe y Vida) is a national non-profit Catholic leadership institute widely recognized as the authority in the field of Hispanic youth and young adult ministry in the United States, and the leading agent in bringing the Bible to young Latinos throughout the Americas. Fe y Vida fosters mature, hopeful and faith-filled Latino Catholic youth and young adults and equips them for leadership in Church and society by advancing their human, social, and faith development, through a comprehensive approach grounded in our Catholic tradition. ( Landings International Landings, a reconciliation ministry of the Paulist Fathers, is a program that invites all Catholic parishes and communities to reach out to Catholics who have been away from the Church or who struggle in their relationship with God and the Church. In a welcoming and non-judgmental way, small groups of active lay Catholics join with returning or inactive Catholics to share their spiritual journeys and explore their Catholic faith. Landings trains Catholics to give witness to the Church’s evangelization mission by opening their hearts to those who have been away. Sharing your time, your resources, and your faith could bring others back to the Church. By setting up a Landings program at your parish, you can provide a safe harbor or a “landing” place for returning Catholics to explore their faith and their future with the Church. ( ministry23 Publishing partner of Catholic Word. ministry23 strives to help you engage in the love Christ offers, whether that be through studies and fellowship, personal meditation and prayer, or our rich Church history. We want to meet you where you are in your journey and provide the means to share his message, so that you may also experience His love. National Catholic Young Adult Ministry Association NCYAMA seeks to help build up the Roman Catholic Church’s ministry to young adults in their late teens, 20s and 30s across America. NCYAMA works with local dioceses, parishes, campuses, and groups to acheive this goal by equiping them with the best resources in the field, offering training, consulting, and workshops on young adult ministry and evangelization, and networking with and advocating for Catholic leaders working with young adults from coast to coast. ( National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry NFCYM seeks to serve those who serve the young Catholic Church by advocating for and supporting Catholic youth ministry on the national, diocesan, and local level. NFCYM promotes a comprehensive approach to youth ministry as articulated in Renewing the Vision, and provide leadership, resources, services, and conferences for the education and formation of diocesan leaders, youth ministers, and young people. ( New Evangelization Strategies – A Ministry of the Paulist Fathers NES is a ministry of the Paulist Fathers led by Fr. John E. Hurley, CSP. His consultant and missionary initiatives are designed to assist those in leadership roles in Catholic ministry to focus on the essential mission of the church, assisting pastoral leadership, pastoral councils and staffs in assessing and planning future directions for parishes who want to be more mission driven and engage their parishioners into becoming missionary disciples and to re-awaken their vision and mission in light of the call to a new evangelization. Missionary initiatives are especially designed for parish missions primarily in Lent and the Easter Season and also include speaking engagements, RCIA retreat days, workshops on various aspects of evangelization for clergy and Lay Ecclesial Ministers. ( Parish Catalyst Parish Catalyst invites pastors with demonstrated creative leadership skills and key members of their pastoral teams to join a Parish Catalyst Learning Community. We then foster an environment where participants challenge each other to capitalize on new ideas and stretch their visions of ministry beyond the current strategies in play at their parishes. While each Learning Community works directly with only a few, our purpose is to influence the many. Often innovation begins with a small number of visionary thinkers, “influencers” whose success encourages others to follow suit. Thus the parishes in our program serve as testing grounds for new approaches to ministry, which they can hone before sharing them with other communities. Already the parishes which have participated in our Learning Communities are becoming churches of “radical hospitality” with an enriched prayer life, clearer goals, stronger leadership, and a more active outreach to young adults. Paulist Evangelization Ministries Paulist Evangelization Ministries presently offers programs for reaching inactive Catholics (Awakening Faith) and for welcoming inquirers about the Catholic faith (Seeking Christ). A comprehensive three-year parish renewal program, called Living the Eucharist (Vive la Eucaristia), helps Catholics reflect on the Mass and its connection to renewal and mission. Invite! Ask Someone to Explore the Catholic Faithwill help your parishioners become more confident and comfortable in extending invitations to others. Paulist Evangelization Ministries has also developed a 12-video Paulist Comprehensive Evangelization Training and a program to help parishes get started in evangelization ministry.Paulist Evangelization Ministries staff members give presentations throughout the United States and serve as consultants to dioceses and parishes seeking to carry out the evangelizing mission of Christ. ( RENEW International ARISE Together in Christ is a three-year, parish-centered process of spiritual renewal and evangelization that enables people to deepen their faith, develop a closer relationship with Christ, grow in community, and reach out in service to others. It emphasizes people living in good relationship with one another, as they make concrete applications of the gospel to their life situations. ( Theology on Tap Renew Theology on Tap is an invitation for young adults to learn more about their faith and to share in the Catholic community, and should serve as a springboard for other young adult initiatives. Renew Theology on Tap is structured around a series of events centering on faith topics of interest to young adults. These events can be held in a restaurant, a parish hall, a coffeehouse, even in a bar; places where young adults already are comfortable and feel welcome. These events feature an engaging speaker presenting a theological topic, time for discussion, faith sharing, and community building. ( Renewal Ministries Renewal Ministries is dedicated to fostering renewal and evangelization in the Catholic Church by helping people know the personal love of God in Jesus and grow in holiness. We seek to proclaim Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit through our weekly television program, The Choices We Face, our daily radio programs, Food for the Journey and Fire on the Earth; through parish missions, seminars and conferences, books, tapes, CDs, and videos, and through mission work in more than 25 countries. Our aim is to strengthen and equip Catholics for evangelization and ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit. ( St. Paul Street Evangelization St. Paul Street Evangelization is a grassroots, non-profit Catholic evangelization organization, dedicated to responding to the mandate of Jesus to preach the Gospel to all nations by taking our Catholic Faith to the streets. We do this in a non-confrontational way, allowing the Holy Spirit to move in the hearts of those who witness our public Catholic presence. Christ’s call to evangelize was made to every Catholic Christian, and the Second Vatican Council reiterated this need, urging each of the baptized to bring the Gospel, found fully in the Catholic Church, to a culture that has largely reverted to paganism. As an on-the-street Catholic evangelization organization, St. Paul Street Evangelization provides an avenue for you to share the Person of Jesus Christ and the truth and beauty of the Catholic Faith with a hungry culture. St. Paul Street Evangelization provides the tools and resources for Catholics to engage the culture in a simple, non-confrontational method of evangelization which involves making themselves available to the public to answer questions about the faith and to pray with those who request it. ( United States Conference of Catholic Bishops The SCDC is given the mandate to assist the bishops in instilling the vision of Encuentro 2000 and Ecclesia in America throughout the Church with the goal of bringing all the culturally and racially diverse communities, including European Americans, into a fuller participation in the faith, life, and evangelizing mission of the Church. Team RCIA is a free online resource for Catholic parishes and dioceses that want to form Christians for life. It began with a blog—a web journal—to create an online community of people who are passionate about sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ through parish initiation ministry. Today TeamRCIA is a community of over 10,000 parish ministers and volunteers throughout North America and beyond. TeamRCIA provides accessible and effective RCIA resources that help parish teams initiate and form disciples for Christ’s mission; and offers a variety of online and in-person training for church ministers and volunteers, through webinars, e-mail courses, downloads, discussion forums, and training events. ( |