Eduardo Siguenza was still a student from Marian High School when he published this essay in our blog in 2014. We always welcome contributions from young readers who are starting on the path of evangelization.

Our “Theology on Capp” for Teens is a new program inspired by the “Theology on Tap” sessions that Catholic dioceses have held for many years for young adults at restaurants and bars. At Marian High School, we sensed that our students needed a fresh, friendly “non-academic” environment in which they could gather together and discuss issues they carry in their hearts. Many have expressed that in the classroom, next to their textbooks and assignments, God sometimes appears to become “another academic subject” rather than a loving Divine Father. So we partnered with the local Knights of Columbus to hold “Theology on CAPP (as in cappuccino)” once a month. We firmly believe that the growth of our current program is mostly due to our constant entrustment of its success to the protection and care of Our Blessed Virgin Mary.
The Knights of Columbus offer us their hall in which we hold the meetings, along with all the coffee, cappuccino and soft drinks our kids can drink. We provide additional cookies or snacks. Currently we meet from 6:30 – 8:00 pm on the first Monday of the month. Last years’ topics, suggested originally by our teens, included: “The Mystery of the Virgin Mary in the Role of Salvation”, “Atheism, Does It Really Make Any Sense?”, “Why Guys & Girls Are Hilarious”(Gender roles), “Angels, Demons, & Spiritual Warfare”, “The Mystery behind Marian Apparitions!”, and others.
Our format is an initial time of fellowship upon the teens’ arrival with coffee, hot chocolate, tea and cookies off to the side. After this, we introduce the speaker, who is usually invited from the area Catholic community. Although the program is hosted by Marian High School, all teens from area schools and parishes are welcome, and several have become regular guests. All sessions begin with prayer. The speaker gives a 20-30 talk followed by a brief fellowship break, including the opportunity to get another drink and to prepare for the “Questions and Answers Session.”
Up to the present time, the promotion of “Theology on Capp” has been through monthly school posters, school announcements, a few church bulletins, but most effectively, though the teens “word of mouth.” We also keep a guest log which the teens sign in at each session and which provides us with a log of email addresses that help us to keep the kids up to date regarding future sessions. The members of the local Knights of Columbus chapter are considering spreading this offering around the state in conjunction with other other KofC councils.
Until then, we’ll continue to get our “capp” on!
It is difficult to come up with a detailed outline for “Theology on Capp” because the Holy Spirit seems to continue to suggest new changes and ideas as we develop our program. With this on mind, I will try to describe our program’s outline for this coming year I would say:
- Setting up the dates with our local Knights of Columbus: This year we chose the third Monday of the month to avoid conflicts that we usually encounter at the beginning of the month.
- Setting up the topics for the year: As we promised to our kids, we continue to choose topic after surveying what theological our students would like to have discussed. We make announcements at school asking for the kids to stop by the office to suggest topics that they are interested in having addressed throughout the year.
- Developing our Theology on Capp team: This year we have invited several of our Campus Ministry Leaders to form part of our Theology on Capp team. After their experience last year, many have responded enthusiastically.
- Contacting possible speakers: Once the topics have been suggested, we search for dynamic speakers who have experience in youth evangelization, and we invite them to be our guest speaker for a given session.
- Promotion in Parishes and Schools: Once the topics, dates and the speakers are secured, we begin to work on developing posters and flyers to promote it. We also promote the talk schedule online through Facebook and other social media avenues.
- Procuring of supplies and snacks. Although our local Knights of Columbus has generously offered to provide our kids with all the coffee and soft drinks, we make sure that cookies, chips and other kinds of snacks are also available. In the past, generous parents have provided brownies and cookies for the sessions.
THE SESSION - This year’s session will be held from 7:00 – 8:45 PM – Guests arriving at 7:00 are welcomed and pointed to the coffee bar and snacks’ tables. The next fifteen minutes are allowed for greetings, fellowship and food and drinks.
- At 7:15 PM all guest are invited to find their seats and the topic and the guest are introduced. Any other additional needed announcements may be made.
- The Guest speaker is given from 25 to 30 minutes to present the topic. After the presentation, the students are invited to take a 15 minute break to walk around, socialize, use restrooms or go for more drinks and snacks.
- After a fifteen minute break, the students are invited back to their tables. Then they are invited to discuss the presentation among themselves for about 10 minutes and to formulate questions.
- The Question & Answers session follows: This lasts until the end of the evening (25 to 30 minutes.) After the session, the master of ceremonies interrupts to thanks the guest presenter, the participants and announce the next topic. Students are allowed one last informal opportunity to socialize or to approach the guest speaker. Other students are invited to help reset the hall.