How to Pray the 1000 Thank You Jesus Rosary?

It is well known that praying the thank you Jesus rosary is a great choice to help fight against difficulties we might have in life. While we might be feeling overwhelmed due to many different things, from personal to financial burdens, we should still find the time to feel gratitude.

After all, we all have many things to be thankful for: we love our families, we want to share a special moment with them, we all want to make every moment of this magical year a memory that will be cherished for a lifetime.

The 1000 thank you Jesus rosary prayers can be a very effective way of showing gratitude and of feeling the love that comes from Our Savior.

Remember that showing gratitude through prayer is a powerful way to show our faith.

Today, thanks to the internet and its worldwide reach, many Christians from every part of the globe are now using the traditional one thousand thank you Jesus rosary as a means to gain spiritual enlightenment as well as to bring them closer to their religious beliefs.

The most popular one thousand thank you rosaries are found online, mostly at various web sites dedicated to the art of rosary bead creation. Our favourite one can be found here at Amazon.

Praying the 1000 thank you Jesus rosary is easy:

1. Start with the first bead of your rosary. As you hold it, say “Thank you Jesus”, and then say the following prayer:

Thank you for being our Savior and Lord.

Thank you for your love, mercy, and grace.

Thank you for giving us eternal life.

Thank you for hearing our prayers and answering them according to your will.

In your name we pray.


2. Repeat this process for each of the smaller beads.

3. On the large beads, pray the Lord’s Prayer:

Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come,

your will be done,

on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins

as we forgive those who sin against us.

Lead us not into temptation

but deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power,

and the glory are yours

now and for ever.


4. Repeat the steps above until you’ve gone through all the beads in the rosary.

gallery photo
A traditional white Rosary for saying 1000 Thank you Jesus’

How to End the Thank You Jesus Rosary?

Ending the 1000 thank you Jesus rosary is similar to ending any other rosary prayer:

  1. Say the closing prayer:
    “Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
    Have mercy on us.
    Immaculate Heart of Mary,
    Pray for us.”
  2. Hold the crucifix in your hand and make the sign of the cross.
  3. As you are doing the sign of the cross, say:
    “In the Name of the Father,”
    “and of the Son,”
    “and of the Holy Spirit.”
  4. Fold your hands in prayer as you say “amen”.

Showing your gratitude this way should make you feel lighter, almost as if a real, physical weight has been lifted from your shoulders. If you’re in search of additional rosaries to enhance your prayer experience, feel free to explore How to Pray the Rosary of the 1000 Hail Marys or Embracing the Holy Rosary for Wednesday Wonders.

4 thoughts on “How to Pray the 1000 Thank You Jesus Rosary?”

  1. I started dis rosary last year it used to on my mind over thinking of wen am going back I used to say thank you Jesus then my heart told when don’t you buy it’s rosary I had to close my eyes to buy it because of money. Am a single mother of two kids . When I brought the rosary during November somethings changed in my life my business changed slowly. On the love life my ex came back so comforting loving and caring and over encouraging me in my business he gave me support even we went for shopping for materials in another country for the business even I had to start fasting while praying the rosary. The relationship moved so good because in all his plans I was der we used to plan together for the future. But right now things are becoming more difficult between me and him. We are Muslim and I want to be his second wife. But I know with that rosary prayer everything will be good I will be his wife. I pray that God allows me to be his second wife. I will testify that day when it happens I believe God hears my cry everyday even if things have become difficult on side.


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