Saint Roch is a catholic saint with incredible power in defeating plagues: he is the patron saint of dogs and those suffering from ill health or ailments. These prayer to St. Roch will be sure to offer protection against plagues and ill health, and protect your dog so your dog may protect you.
Upon his pilgrimage to Europe, St. Roch was saddened by how many were being struck down by the black plague. He then put himself at great risk by visiting those were ill and performing healing prayers for them.
St. Roch cured many miraculously just by making the sign of the cross, and at the time despite visiting hundreds of victims he never once suffered from the highly infection disease himself.
It was only on his final visit to Piacenza he caught the plague in his leg. St. Roch did not want to trouble anybody with his illness so walked into the wild and waited for his death in an abandoned hut.
A local farmers Dog found St Roch and licked his wounds, a well of water appeared nearby and he was slowly healed.
This is why the St. Roch prayer is incredibly powerful for healing, and why we also pray for him for our dogs.
Now you know a bit of St Roch, lets take a look at some prayers to call for Saint Roch’s intercession.
St. Roch Healing Prayers
O blessed Saint Roch, Patron of the sick, Have pity on those who lie upon a bed of suffering. Your power was so great when you were in this world, that by the sign of the Cross, many were healed of their diseases.
Now that you are in heaven, your power is no less. Offer to God our sighs and tears and obtain for us the physical and spiritual health we seek:
(Share your request…)
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
O most merciful god, Who through an angel promised St Roch that whoever should invoke his name, would be preserved from pestilence and contagious diseases.
Grant that through his intercession we may be preserved from all dangers. Both of soul and body.
Through christ our lord. Amen
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Many of us have reached a point in our lives that feels like it’s too much to handle. We all remember the joy we felt when we first encountered God, but sometimes we still miss the small joys of our daily lives.
This was the case for Nicole Swanson, a native of Boise, Idaho, who was feeling on edge and distant from her children. You can read her story below to understand what worked for her to bring her her joy back.

Prayer for my Dog
St. Roch is also the patron saint for dogs, due to the miracle that happened when he was licked a dog while recovering from the plague.
He is a specially powerful saint for healing sick dogs, or those about to undergo surgery.
Can I pray for my dog? What does the Bible say about pets?
Dogs are sometimes negatively portrayed in the Bible. For instance, on Matthew 7:6:
“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.
Similarly, on Philippians 3:2:
Watch out for those dogs, those evildoers, those mutilators of the flesh.
However, this should not be taken to mean that God does not favour dogs. After all, we also have Proverbs 12:10:
The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.
We have a duty to care for our pets and to treat them well. To do otherwise is an act of wickedness against God’s creation.
Therefore, it is also appropriate to pray for our dogs. As the patron saint of dogs, Saint Roch is a powerful force to intercede in their favor. This is specially true for a sick dog, since as previously mentioned he is also a strong saint for healing. Here is a great prayer to say for our dogs.
Which saint do I pray to for my cats?
While praying to St. Roch is sure to help in many ways, if you’re specifically worried about a sick or lost cat, you should consider praying to the patron saint of cats. On this website, you can find a powerful prayer to St. Gertrude of Nivelle for cats, or explore additional prayers for good health, seeking divine healing within the Catholic faith.
Prayers to St. Roch for Dogs
Dear St Roch, Beloved Protector of dogs,
We pray for protection of our dearly beloved friends.
We pray for their long life, good health and protection from harm. We pray to you, with the love of all beings,
for the blessings of peace love and healing.
God has graced us wih the love of his heavenly creatures.
We pray that this love may grow stronger and everlasting.
If you do have a dog or puppy about to undergo any treatment at a vet, be sure to write in the comments below your prayer for us all to join you.
St. Roch please intercede for our dog Bella who will be examined by the vet in two days. Please pray for our Bella to God that she may have a few more healthy years ahead.
Hello Ron, we pray the intercession worked for good news for Bella. May she have more healthy years.
Please pray for Abby that is 5 months old. She is sick and not herself.
Thank you!
I Am Praying For You Dog Bc Mine Is Very Sick Too!!!
St Roch, Please heal my sweet Golden Retrievers “Bodhie,” left eye. He has a tumour in the iris. Please I pray for a miracle, that it will be gone and disappear, for a complete healing. I pray that it is not cancer, and that it will not spread, protect his vision, and that this will not cause any other problems in his body . Guide me to the right treatment plan for him and the right doctors to lead me. May he live a long life, with many more health years that we can share.
Please pray for our dog Heidi she is in surgery now for her liver May she recover fast and be ok in Jesus name amen🙏
Please pray for my brothers dog Donnie. Having trouble with his kidneys, not eating. We really need your prayers to help him heal. Thank you.
Praying that all is well with Donnie and that God did answer your prayer. 🙏🏼
St. Roch,
I ask for your intercession in the healing of my dog Zeus. He was recently diagnosed with Aspergillosis and is in a great deal of pain and suffering. The type of Aspergillosis he has is incurable. While he is still somewhat mobile, only getting up to sometimes eat and potty, he is for the most part, strictly bed ridden. I will be taking him to see his veterinarian again tomorrow, 7/18/2022, to discuss his quality of life and to ultimately make the decision to have him humanely euthanized. It hurts me and tears me up so bad to even put that in writing, much les come to the decision. I just can not continue to see him suffering so much. He is on pain medications and an anti fungal medication for Aspergillosis, but this is only prolonging the inevitable. It hurts so much! I ask for a miracle of complete healing from this deadly disease that is attacking his whole body.
These things I ask through Christ Our Lord, Amen!
St Roch please intercede for me for the healing of Lyndsay my 3 yr old mixed breed labrador and golden retriever she s currently in the vet hospital with paralyzed right hindleg due to blood parasite …i pray for her revovery
Dear st Roch please heal my dog olaf i’m so upset he has problems with his tooth 🦷 is broken and loose he is terrified of vets please pray for him Thankyou Love susi
St Roch, Please intercede for my dog, Pia. She is 9.5 years old…Lab/Boxer. She had surgery on her left knee (tore her ACL) and something isn’t right. She is in pain, limping and not recovering as she should. She has been a great comfort to me in my life. I’m praying so hard for her healing…to be comfortable and enjoy hopefully a few more years of life. I am suffering greatly watching HER suffer so much. I ask for a miracle this very night…that Pia can walk properly and all will be well.
Praying for all of your who left a message as well…our dogs mean so much to us!
St. Roch, pray for our pets. Beg God on our behalf to hear our prayers and heal our animals.
Please pray for our dearly beloved Kukubella
She will undergo surgery tomorrow. Please pray with us for the success of her procedures. Please intercede for us in the success of her surgery and recuperation.,
and continued healing process..
St. Roch, please pray before our Heavenly Father for my dog Sing, Chihuahua, she has an appointment this afternoon with her Vet. Please give the doctor wisdom about anything that is causing discomfort for her. In Jesus name.
Please pray for our sweet Gene. He has back trouble and is currently in a lot of pain. I pray for his comfort and healing. He has meant so much to us over the years. He has brought so much joy to our lives. I don’t want him to suffer.
St Roch
I pray for your intercession for Thor, my daughters dog who was just diagnosed with cancer of the blood. I pray for your intercession to our Lord for his healing miracle for Thor loved and trusted pet of our family.
Please save the dogs outside my home from harm of evil people who may try to poison them or get rid of them or trouble them . Please St Roch they did not choose this life and they do not deserve to be harmed . Keep my babies from harm whether inside or outside my home . Help me to take care of them .
God bless you for helping the poor abandoned dogs. Please put water out for them, food too if you can.
St Roch I pray for intercession for my chihuahua Piojo as I find out tomorrow if he has cancer. May the results come back negative and he lives a happy healthy long life. He saved me when I felt very depressed and cannot imagine him being gone so soon. I pray you hear me and intercede for me. Amen
Please Pray for our dog Sammy. She is sick with an autoimmune disease. Please pray that she heals and can live a long healthy life.
St Roch my poor boy Rusty has had diabetes for over 7 years now and was doing well but he has recently fell ill and he needs your healing power right now to get his diabetes back under control….please hear my prayer
Please pray for Mia 7yr old husky labradorite, that her limp in her left shoulder will heal without any more vet visits.
Please heR my order that she will live a long and healthy life.
Should say please hear my prayer.
Dear St. Roch, through your intercession please heal our furbaby Sol who was infected by parvo virus and blood parasite. Praying also for healing of Stella and Luna who had blood parasite and that they may be safe from the infection of parvo. These we pray in your holy name.
Dear St. Roch please heal my beloved best friend Buddy. Pls stop his seizures and pain. He has brought so much joy and love to us. He doesn’t deserve to suffer. He’s my constant companion & support. This I ask you through Christ. Amen
Dear St. Roch, my dog Katie has been coughing since getting her Kennel vaccine.Please stop and heal this cough. I ask you through Christ our Lord. Amen
Please pray for our dog Jackie who has been diagnosed with a pus infection in the uterus. She is 14 years old. Pl grant that if it is God’s will to take her that she goes without pain or suffering peacefully in her sleep.
Please st roch pray and heal pixie my daughter michelle hawkins dear pet. Please let her return to health and heal whatever she was bleeding from, let her sleep well and wake up and be healed st rich pray for pixie bear. Amen
Please st roch pray and heal pixie my daughter michelle hawkins dear pet. Please let her return to health and heal whatever she was bleeding from, let her sleep well and wake up and be healed st rich pray for pixie bear. Amen
St Roch please pray for my 8 month old puppy Baxter. He got bit by a spider Orby his whole face swelled up along with his eye sealed shot. The vet gave him a steroid shot and he got better. The next day he was running around the house like a mad dog trying to scape some thing whining the whole time, biting at his paws and scratching under his armpits. I took him back to the vet, and they said that whatever bit him in the face triggered the excessive itching us. And they offered another shot called the Cyto storm shot. Immediately after receiving thisCytostorm shot The itching did stop, but he became a third to, vomiting, diarrhea, not eating food, no water, salivating at the mouth. I brought him to the animal emergency hospital, and they found out he had 105° temperature, and put him on IVs. He’s been here for five hours now, please pray that he does not die. Please please bring him back to me please Saint Roch help
Please pray for my pug, Peaches. She is nearly 15 and has a tumor on her front leg which has grown larger. She is not a candidate for surgery due to her age. Pray that this tumor shrinks in Jesus name and through the intercession of St. Roch. I am also praying for everyone who has requested healing for their pets. Thank you.
Saint Roch please pray for our Dear Maki that her blood cells are getting back to normal. Please heal her and help her to recover from any diseases that she had.
Dear Sweet St. Roch,
Please pray for my dog Kegger, that his urinary problem be healed. That he will not have to have any kind of surgery, that it will heal on its own. Thank you St. Roch for you intercession. Thank you Jesus!!!!!
Dear St. Roch,
Please pray for my dog, Molly. Please ask Jesus to make her happy and healthy. I love her so much
Dear St. Roch,
Please intercede on our dog Hudson’s behalf before the Holy Trinity and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Hudson is having dental work done this morning. Please bless the vet and vet techs as they work over Hudson. Please guide their minds, thoughts, hands, actions, attention and hearts as they treat him. May they watch over him carefully so that the procedure goes smoothly, he responds well to the medications, and that he recovers completely.
Thank you for your prayers and intercession on our beloved Hudson’s behalf.
Please Saint Roch heal my dog Carlito who suddenly took ill 4 days ago. He is in severe critical health. Please let him heal and come home to loving dog parents.
We want to spoil him and cradle him and coddle him for However long You,Saint Roch and Lord God, Our Savior will let us.
We love him with all our hearts as we were not Blessed with Children
St Roch Please pray for my grand dog Reggie. She had surgery for a herniated disc. Surgery went well, but not moving back legs. Her family needs her.
Thank you
Dear St. Roch,
Please pray for our dog Sugar and for wisdom for us. She is elderly and needs surgery for her gallbladder but we don’t think she could survive that. We ask for a miracle and that medication management will help her or to know when we need to say goodbye.
Please pray for my dog Jax. He has been sick since he was 7 months. He was recently diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy. He is 19 months now and has been losing mobility in his rear legs. He is such a sweet companion. I don’t want to lose him, and am trying all to keep him comfortable. Please help me pray for his recovery.
Dear St Roch
I pray for your help to heal my beloved Casey. He was diagnosed with PLE and I fear that he may not recover from this. I pray for a good outcome on his next blood test so that he may live a happy and healthy life
Please pray for our dog, Bear, as he undergoes surgery tomorrow. He is 10 and has a heart murmur. Please pray for the doctors and technicians, and please give Bear peace and comfort. 🙏❤️ We pray for a safe surgery and for more time with him, especially for him to prance in the snow soon this Christmas.
My 8 year Beagle “Kandi” had surgery today. They removed 4 tumors, one very large one in her chedt. She just got home recovering from her surgery. Please pray with me for a decent night, a speedy recovery, no complications and long and healthy long life.
Please pray for my dog Vegas who is undergoing diagnostic procedures to rule out cancer. Please let this mass be benign and may Vegas recover completely.
St. Roch please intercede for our dog Chanel who is now suffering from illness. Please pray for our Chanel to God that she may have more healthy years ahead.
I am asking your prayer St. Roch to please intercede for our dog/pug Chanel who is now suffering from illness. Please pray for our Chanel to God that she may have more healthy years ahead.
St Roch please pray for Voyageur as he has a CT to see if his cancer is spreading. Please help him fight his cancer. Amen
Please pray our dog Koko. She is in critical condition.
St roch please pray for my puppy to be heal he is in our house we cannot afford vet expenses he is not eating 3 days please pray for our puppy to recover we. love our puppy igor amen
St Roch please hear my prayer my sick dog Xian, he has been sick for 6 days having GI issues, and I pray he gets his strength back to eat again… Please pray for his recovery, we love him dearly
Please pray for Bella who was misdiagnosed until she was very sick. She is in dog icu. Please pray that the doctors can help her and she will be home soon. She is a good dog and has brought so much joy to everyone.
St. Roch please intercede for my friend’s dog Lincoln. He has been diagnosed with cancer and is having a procedure done today. Please pray that all goes well today, for his healing and recovery. Thank you! Amen!
St Roch please pray for Boomer he may have cancer. I feel so helpless. He is my best friend and constant companion. I am having panic attacks. over his illness. Please help him get a good diagnosis and give me a few more years with him. Through you St Roth and through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
May St Roch touched my fur daughter bella for a miracle of healing tonight… My whole family is sincerely praying for your intervention on our dog to heal and recover from any pain and illness she is undergoing Thru Your name St Roch saints of all sick dogs we pray Amen…
May St Roch touched my fur daughter bella for a miracle of healing tonight… My whole family is sincerely praying for your intervention on our dog to heal and recover from any pain and illness she is undergoing Thru Your name St Roch saints of all sick dogs we pray Amen…thank you Oh St Roch
St Roch, please heal my beloved Harley of her cancer. Bring her back to health. She brings me joy and is my best friend. Please intercede on our behalf. Amen.
St Roch please pray for my daughter’s Corgie named Nugget. He is her constant companion and is suffering from Lymphoma.
Please pray for my dog, Chico. his hind legs are paralyzed and is currently enrolled in a PT program. St. Roch, may your compassion and mercy be upon him. Allow him to walk and run again using his front and hind legs. Thank you, St. Roch.
Please st. Roch pray for my dog Rocky. He is feeling unwell and the vets can’t find what the problem is.
Dear St. Roch,
My dog Rudi is sick and we don’t yet know why. He hasn’t eaten in two days and has an appointment tomorrow with our veterinarian.
Please pray for him that he gets better and has a few more good years in him. We love him so much and it breaks our hearts to see him suffer. Please let us be able to help him with medicine and love and care so he can be his bouncy, joyful self again. Amen.
Hope all is well with Rudi and that your prayers were answered 🙏🏼
St. Roch:
My sweet Coco has a mammary mass and is scheduled for surgery tomorrow. It appears the mass has ruptured. We are at the emergency vet with our sweet Coco. Please pray for my sweet Coco. Please pray it is not cancer and we may have many more years left with my baby.
Dear Saint Roch
I’m praying to you for my 2 dog’s Bella & Bandit.
Bella system is not taking in the nutrients from the food she eats& Vets are leaning towards cancer.
Bandit has a very bad gastrointestinal problem & liver enzymes are very high.
St. Roch,
I am praying for my family dog, Otto. He is a 9 year old bubbly german shepherd. He recently had started limping in his back leg that my family is calling arthritis in his joints. I am praying that he gets through this temporary pain and that he heals with the holy spirit and his guardian angel by his side. In Jesus name I pray,
Dear St. Roch,
Please heal our beloved furbaby Baki from all his illnesses. Today is his 6th month, I pray that he will eat his food and recover very soon. I pray that he will be healthy all the time and will have long life to be with us. I also pray for the good health and long life of another beloved furbaby of ours, Nari.
Please pray for my dog Valentine as she is experience decreased liver function and may require surgery for removal of a tumor(s). Please pray that anything that does not belong be cast from her and that she be returned to full health
Dear St. Roch,
Please help heal my 7 yr old schnauzer, Luca. He is in U of P Veterinary Hospital on oxygen and blood that is not clotting. I pray the Dr.s will be able to figure out what is wrong and cure him so he can come back home to us. I also pray that his sister, Sofia, who is so sad and confused , missing her brother so much, will be able to know the joy of seeing him walk back through our door to us. In Jesus name, Amen
St. Roch, please heal my dog, named pepper. He is currently weak and not eating. Amen.
St Roch please heal Knox’s leg and if that isn’t to be please be with him in surgery to keep him safe and guide him to a quick recovery. Please pray for my Knox.
DearSt Roch, please pray and heal our sweet dog Auggie! He has stopped eating and drinking. Amen
St. Roch, please cure my little Izzy of her bladder cancer. She is a sweet little 15+ year old granny. If she must cross over the rainbow bridge, give me the strength to know when. ♥️🐾
Please.include my dog Sunshine who is about to under go a surgery to rove her uterus. That may God strengthen her body and for her to recover well and fast. She has a history of blood parasite that makes it challenging for doctors. Thank you all and may God bless you all.
Please pray for my dog, Alfie. He has been I’ll for 3 days now. He won’t eat or drink. He’s been to the emergency vet, but they couldn’t find anything that’s wrong. We’re taking him to his regular vet tomorrow for more tests. Please pray for his healing and the success of the vet. Amen.
Prayers for Rex’s results to xray and blood work for his heart.
Please pray for my doggy Mikoush and me to be safe through this season of life. May St Roch protect him and his little heart and may God bless us with stability and security that we need. Amen
I pray for my dear children loopy, Lucy, max, Ruby, Sheeru , Toby, Pintoo, Oscar, Missy, tippy and panther to be under your protection all times and healed for their illness and inhibitions. May they be safe from any harm or illness.
Please Heal Sheeru who was beaten by a
evil person(s) and is in pain and hospitalised. Please save my these beloved children from harm and sufferings .
Prayers for our dear dog Teddy – who will be undergoing a procedure . Hoping for his recovery. He is our sweet boy that always brightens up the room.
St. Rocco please heal Poppy my little puppy and make her feel good again and make her healthy so she may bring joy into this world. She is not eating and is being examined by the vet as I write this. I ask that you intercede and ask Jesus to help make this happen and I know with your assistance and Jesus’s it be done. Amen
St. Rochs i pray for a dog named tagpi that he be healed of his skin disease, please guide his owner enlightenment and stength to administer the correct treatment. Thank you
Please pray for my dog Noelle. She is 12 years old and has liver and kidney disease. St Roch, please pray for her.
Please pray for my dog Masie so she keeps strength in her hind legs as they give out on her sometimes she is 13 now and I can’t stand it when she is suffering amen
Please pray for my dog, Duke, who has a lump on his leg. We are awaiting pathology results and pray that it is not cancer. He is a wonderful dog and means so much to us. Thank you.
Pray for me to help as many abandoned dogs as possible. Touch ppl hearts to help the dogs and support ppl who help dogs. Touch ppl to not abandon or mistreat dogs. Those who help dogs have sufficient resources to help all dogs sent to them. A loving family for Mancha
Please pray for my two dogs, Bella and Vegas, who are both sick. They bring me such joy and love. It breaks my heart to see them sick.